High-Impact Practices
ePortfolios can be implemented in a variety of ways for teaching and learning, programmatic assessment, and career development. ePortfolios enable students to electronically collect their work over time, reflect upon their personal and academic growth, and then share selected items with others, including professors, advisors, and potential employers. Because collection over time is a key element of the ePortfolio process, employing ePortfolios in collaboration with other high-impact practices provides opportunities for students to make connections between various educational experiences.
*Modified from AACU High-Impact Educational Practices handout & Kuh (2008) High-impact educational practices
High-Impact Practices In Action
- Importance of Portfolio Building for University Students
- Build your own ePortfolio
- Free online textbook – “Building a Professional Portfolio”
- International Journal of ePortfolio
An overview of what an ePortflio is and it’s value.
We Want You To
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