High-Impact Practices
Global Learning
Many colleges and universities now emphasize courses and programs that help students explore cultures, life experiences, and worldviews different from their own. Frequently, intercultural studies are augmented by experiential learning in the community and/or by study abroad. In addition to engagement in academic courses, this can include such credit-bearing international experiences as work, volunteering, and directed travel, as long as these programs are driven to a significant degree by learning goals.
*Modified from AACU High-Impact Educational Practices handout & Kuh (2008) High-impact educational practices
High-Impact Practices In Action
Short Takes: Returning to Rome
The University of Arkansas Rome Center had to find innovative ways to bring Rome to students during the pandemic, when study abroad classes were suspended. Working with faculty to provide online learning from Rome and creating video tours of the city, the Rome Center was able to give students unique experiences, even when learning from home. Now the Rome Center is reopening and welcoming students back.
Through the LENS of UARK Students….
Students from the University of Arkansas define what living in a community with multiple perspectives means to them and how they engage in building a more inclusive community at the University of Arkansas.
Painting a Perspective: Mural Bike Tour
If art imitates life, how do you see yourself and our world in Fayetteville murals?
HIP Incorporating Perspective into the Public Speaking Classroom by Lynn Meade
An overview of how I incorporate perspective into the Public Speaking Course.
We Want You To
Send us your HIPs!
Have you turned a high impact practice into reality at the University of Arkansas? Let us hear what you’ve done!